Well, kids, the time has come. I am thrilled to present: Have You Ever? Have You Ever? is a little venture my friend Emily and I put together slowly over the past couple years, while seeing how many songs we could shoe-horn into a single live-performance mash-up. We built a nice little setlist, have rehearsed ourRead more
I spent the past six months or so basically silent on the internet. Hell, to be frank, I spent the past three years more or less silent on the internet. For someone who pretty much spent the previous decade churning out my guts in one venue or another on the internet, this was…weird. Like, onRead more
So, like, a million years ago, I did a bunch of stuff on the internet. I blogged. I tumbld. I tweeted and commented and even had a website with my name on it. (Since 2003, if you can believe it!) (And all this with a day job, no less!) Then I had a couple breakdowns,Read more
Something seems to be wrong with Twitter. I miss the fail whale.